Bay State Birth Coalition

ACTION ALERT: House Budget

We need your help now! Push for funding for birth centers in the state budget

Update April 15, 2024: Make your voice heard in support of Neighborhood Birth Center and Seven Sisters Birth Center now, as Representatives in the Massachusetts House are weighing which items to include in this year’s state budget.

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Proposed House Budget Amendment #599 filed by Representatives Chris Worrell and Brandy Fluker Oakley would provide $500,000 for Neighborhood Birth Center in Boston.

Proposed House Budget Amendment #1285 filed by Representative Lindsay Sabadosa would provide $300,000 for a doula program Seven Sisters Midwifery and Birth Center in Northampton.

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Why we need birth center investments now

  • "Hoping to deliver at a Massachusetts birth center? Good luck” (Commonwealth Magazine) brought attention to the one birth center still open in Massachusetts, Seven Sisters in Northampton, and Neighborhood Birth Center which is poised to serve Eastern Massachusetts.

  • Community birth centers lead to better outcomes; fewer cesarean sections, lower rates of preterm birth, lower rates of low birthweight, and increased rates of breastfeeding; cost savings to the healthcare system; and accessible, culturally-reverent care to prevent experiences of trauma, mistreatment, or racism.

Keep It Up!

We need you to keep taking action until we get this legislation over the finish line. The most important thing you can do now is to subscribe to emails from Bay State Birth Coalition so you are sure to receive our action alerts and updates.


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